Dominique Hogan-Doran SC

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Australian Academy of Law

Dominique Hogan-Doran SC has accepted the Board’s invitation to become a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Law.

Launched on 17 July 2007, the Australian Academy of Law is the fifth learned Academy in Australia and is the culmination of a process begun with the Australian Law Reform Commission’s landmark report, Managing Justice: a review of the federal civil justice system (ALRC 89, 2000).

The objects of the Academy, set out in the AAL Constitution, include:

  • To promote the highest standards of legal scholarship and research, of legal education and practice, and of the administration of justice.

  • To promote the continuous improvement of the law and of the operation of the legal system.

  • To promote the highest standards of ethical conduct and professional responsibility among all members of the legal community, including the use of legal skills not merely for material personal reward but also in the service of society.

  • To enhance understanding and observance of the rule of law, and community understanding of the role and function of law, lawyers, the legal profession, and the judiciary.

  • To provide a forum for cooperation, collaboration, constructive debate and the effective interchange of views among all branches of the legal community on all matters relating to the achievement of these objects. 

  • To establish and advance funds to provide scholarships and research grants which advance legal education and the discipline of law and promote ethical conduct and professional responsibility.

The Fellowship of the Academy of Law comprises individuals elected by the Academy, who are persons of exceptional distinction in the discipline of law who are demonstrably committed to the objects of the Academy.